
  • Dr. Wu to participate in new DOE NNSA university consortium

    The U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation has awarded $25 million to the “Enabling Capabilities in Technology Consortium” led by the University of Tennessee – Knoxville. Dr. Wu will be a co-PI of this 5-year consortium award along with three other faculty members at NCSU NE Department. See more details at and

  • Chris and Sofiia attended the 2024 DOE NNSA UPR Meeting

    Chris and Sofiia attended the 2024 DOE National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) University Program Review (UPR) Meeting at Texas A&M University, College Station, TX during June 4-6, 2024. Chris gave a presentation titled “Improving the Quality of Nuclear Data for Radiation Transport Simulations in Nuclear Forensics Applications” as part of the Consortium for Nuclear Forensics (CNF).

  • Farah, Alie and Lauren presented at the BEPU Conference in Lucca Italy

    PhD students Farah, Alie, and undergraduate student (incoming PhD) Lauren attended the 2024 Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty International Conference (BEPU 2024) at Lucca, Italy during May 19-24, 2024. Five papers from the ARTISANS group were presented: (1) “Uncertainty Quantification of Long Short-Term Memory Autoencoder for Monitoring of Liquid Sodium Cold Trap”, (2) “Bayesian Calibration of Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing in a Thermal Mixing Tee”, (3) “Uncertainty Quantification and Improved Neural Networks Predictions using Data Augmentation by Variational Autoencoders”, (4) “Hierarchical Bayesian Inverse Uncertainty Quantification with Application to the ATRIUM project”, and (5) “Elucidating the Uncertainties Introduced by Data-Driven Machine Learning Models”.

  • Chris’s paper accepted by Progress in Nuclear Energy

    Chris’s journal article titled “Design Considerations and Monte Carlo Criticality Analysis of Spiral Plate Heat Exchangers for Molten Salt Reactors” has been accepted for publication in Progress in Nuclear Energy.

  • Lauren selected for ANS John and Muriel Landis Scholarship

    Lauren has been selected for the 2024-2025 ANS John and Muriel Landis Scholarship! She will receive $5,000 fund support each year for up to five years.

  • Soffiia awarded ANS general scholarship

    Sofiia has been selected for the American Nuclear Society (ANS) general scholarship.

  • Dr. Wu elected to the ANS THD Executive committee

    Dr. Wu has been elected to the Executive Committee of the Thermal Hydraulics Division of the American Nuclear Society (ANS).

  • Dr. Wu selected for the Distinguished Early Career Award

    Dr. Wu has been awarded the US DOE Office of Nuclear Energy Distinguished Early Career Program (DECP). He will receive $625,000 funding support over the next five years to support a project on “Establishing the Predictive Credibility of Data-Driven Scientific Machine Learning for Nuclear Applications.” Read More

  • Jason and Sofiia awarded US DOE UNLP scholarships

    Both Jason and Sofiia have been awarded the $10,000 US DOE University Nuclear Leadership Program (UNLP) Scholarship for the 2024 – 2025 academic year.

  • Lauren awarded US DOE UNLP Fellowship

    Lauren has been awarded the US DOE University Nuclear Leadership Program (UNLP) Fellowship, a three-year, $169,000 fellowship beginning in the Fall of 2024. It will support Lauren’s PhD research at NCSU.

  • Lauren won the Best Presentation Award at ANS Student Conference

    Congratulations to Lauren for winning the Best Presentation Award in the Division of Power Reactor Reliability Operations & Safety at the 2024 ANS Student Conference, for her senior design presentation titled “Enhancing Probabilistic Risk Assessment for the PULSTAR Research Reactor with Advanced Fault Tree and Initiating Event Analysis Techniques.”

  • Lauren won the Best Overall Paper award at ANS Student Conference

    Congratulations to Lauren and Jason for winning the Best Overall Paper Award at the 2024 ANS Student Conference, for a paper titled “ML-LIBS: Machine Learning-Based Spectra Predictions of Time-Dependent Lithium Emission Spectroscopy Imaging.”

  • Our Technical Opinion Paper accepted by Nuclear Engineering and Design

    Our invited Technical Opinion Paper (TOP) titled “ARTISANS – Artificial Intelligence for Simulation of Advanced Nuclear Systems for Nuclear Fission Technology” has been accepted for publication at Nuclear Engineering and Design. This TOP is a part of Virtual Special Issues (VSI) Nuclear Fission Technology (NFT) series at NED.

  • Aidan defended his MS thesis

    Aidan successfully defended his MS thesis, with the title “Prediction of CIPS Susceptibility in PWR Assemblies Using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks.”

  • Mahmoud defended his MS thesis

    Mahmoud successfully defended his MS thesis, with the title “Uncertainty Quantification in Deep Neural Network Models for Nuclear Reactor Benchmarks.”

  • Lauren awarded the ANS Robert A. Dannels Memorial Scholarship!

    Lauren has been awarded the 2024-2025 ANS Robert A. Dannels Memorial Scholarship by the ANS Mathematics and Computation Division (MCD).

  • Jason awarded the ANS Joseph Naser Undergraduate Scholarship!

    Jason has been awarded the 2024-2025 ANS Joseph Naser Undergraduate Scholarship by the ANS Human Factors, Instrumentation and Controls Division (HFICD).

  • ARTISANS collaboration paper published

    Our collaboration paper titled “A systematic approach for the adequacy analysis of a set of experimental databases: Application in the framework of the ATRIUM activity” has been published at Nuclear Engineering and Design. It is part of the OECD/NEA ATRIUM (Application Tests for Realization of Inverse Uncertainty quantification and validation Methodologies in thermal-hydraulics) project.

  • Dr. Wu invited to present at SIAM UQ24 conference

    Dr. Wu attended the SIAM UQ24 conference in Trieste Italy, and gave two invited presentations. The first one is titled “Inverse Uncertainty Quantification Methods of Nuclear System Thermal-Hydraulics Codes” in the mini-symposium on “Uncertainty Quantification of Thermal-Hydraulics Models in Nuclear Engineering”. The second one is titled “Uncertainty Quantification of Deep Neural Networks for Nuclear Reactor Applications” in the mini-symposium on “Recent Advances in Uncertainty Quantification for Scientific Machine Learning”. (

  • Ziyu’s paper to be published in prestigious journal

    Ziyu’s paper titled “Functional PCA and Deep Neural Networks-based Bayesian Inverse Uncertainty Quantification with Transient Experimental Data” has been accepted for publication in a prestigious journal in computational science and engineering, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (impact factor 7.2).

  • Lauren awarded the Roy G. Post scholarship

    Congratulations to Lauren for being selected by the Roy G. Post scholarship, through which she is invited for a poster presentation at Waste Management Conference 2024 (WM2024) in March 10 – 14, 2024 at Phoenix, AZ.

  • Chris passed his PhD Qualification Exam

    Chris passed his PhD Qualification Exam. The presentation title is “Review of Inverse Problems and Their Application to Nuclear Forensics.”

  • Ziyu passed his PhD Preliminary Examination

    Ziyu passed his PhD Preliminary Examination. The title is “Machine Learning-based Model Discrepancy in Bayesian Inverse Uncertainty Quantification”.

  • Dr. Wu invited to present at OECD Convention Center in Paris

    Dr. Wu attended the OECD/NEA WGAMA ATRIUM workshop at the OECD Convention Center in Paris where he was invited to give two presentations on Inverse Uncertainty Quantification.

  • Aidan, Alie, Lauren, and Jason attend ANS Winter Conference

    Aidan, Alie, Lauren and Jason attend the 2023 ANS Winter Conference and Expo at Washington, D.C. Aidan gave a presentation titled “Machine Learning-Based Prediction of Crud Buildup Locations in Pressurized Water Reactors”, Alie gave a presentation titled “Detection of Incipient Anomalies in Nuclear Systems Through Fusion of Multisensory Data with LSTM Autoencoder”, and Lauren gave a presentation titled “LSTM Autoencoder Prediction of Distributed Temperature in Liquid Sodium Using Measurements with Co-located Fiber Optic Sensor and Sparse Multi-Point Thermocouple Array”.

  • Alie’s research featured by Argonne press release

    Alie’s research work with Argonne National Laboratory has been featured at a Press Release of Argonne. “Advances in machine learning for nuclear power operations spell a brighter future for carbon-free energy – New Argonne research shows how machine learning can enhance nuclear reactor security and efficiency for a sustainable tomorrow.” Read more

  • Farah’s paper accepted by Nuclear Engineering and Design

    Farah’s paper titled “Deep Generative Modeling-based Data Augmentation with Demonstration using the BFBT Benchmark Void Fraction Datasets” has been accepted for publication in Nuclear Engineering and Design.

  • Congratulations Mahmoud!

    Mahmoud’s paper titled “Fast and Accurate Reduced-Order Modeling of a MOOSE-based Additive Manufacturing Model with Operator Learning” has been accepted for publication by the International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.

  • Welcome Sofiia and Julianna

    The ARTISANS group welcomes two new undergraduate researchers, Sofiia Asadchykh and Julianna White. Both Sofiia and Julianna are sophomores at NCSU Department of Nuclear Engineering.

  • Alie Akins nominated as rising star!

    Alie participated in the inaugural Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Global Forum Rising Stars Workshop in Nuclear Education, Science, Technology and Policy. Read more