
Journal Articles


  1. Nguyen, K. H., Rivas, A., Delipei, G. K., & Hou, J. (2024). Reinforcement Learning-Based Control Sequence Optimization for Advanced Reactors. Journal of Nuclear Engineering.
  2. Rivas, A., Delipei, G. K.*, Davis, I., Bhongale, S., Yang, J., & Hou, J. (2024). A component diagnostic and prognostic framework for pump bearings based on deep learning with data augmentation. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 110121.
  3. Rollins, N., Allan, I. & Hou, J. (2024) Prototyping of a Machine Learning-Based Burnup Measurement Capability for Pebble Bed Reactor Fuel. Nuclear Science and Engineering.
  4. Rivas, A., Delipei, G*, Davis, I., Bhongale S. & Hou, J. (2024) A System Diagnostic and Prognostic Framework Based on Deep Learning for Advanced Reactors. Progress in Nuclear Energy.
  5. Mikouchi-Lopez, J., Delipei, G.*, & Hou, J. (2024) Development and evaluation of parallel simulated annealing algorithm for reactor core optimization problems. Nuclear Science and Technology Open Research. (accepted for publication)
  6. Baker, U., Choi; Y-J, Rollins, N., Nguyen, K., Jung, WH, Whitmeyer, A., Hou, J. (2023) Source Term Analysis of FeCrAl Accident Tolerant Fuel using MELCOR. Annals of Nuclear Energy.


  1. Kan, N., Hou, J. An Efficient High-to-low Iterative Method for Light Water Reactor Analysis Based on NEAMS Tools. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 1-17.


  1. Andersen B, Hou J, Godfrey A, Kropaczek D. A Novel Method for Controlling Crud Deposition in Nuclear Reactors Using Optimization Algorithms and Deep Neural Network Based Surrogate Models. Eng. 2022; 3(4):504-522.
  2. Chen J., Hou J., Ivanov K. Hybrid Neutronics Method with Novel Fission Diffusion Synthetic Acceleration for Criticality Calculations. Nuclear Engineering and Technology.
  3. Trivedi, I., Delipei, G., Hou, J., Grasso, G., Ivanov, K. Development and Application of Two-step Uncertainty Propagation and Sensitivity Analysis Methodology for Fast Reactor Safety Analysis. Progress in Nuclear Energy. (submitted for review).
  4. Delipei, G.K., Rouxelin, P., Abarca, A., Hou, J., Avramova, M., Ivanov, K (2022). CTF-PARCS Core Multi-Physics Computational Framework for Efficient LWR Steady-State, Depletion and Transient Uncertainty Quantification. Energies,15(14):5226.
  5. Rivas, A., Martin, N., Bays, S., Palmiotti, G., Xu, Z., & Hou, J. (2022). Nuclear Data Uncertainty Propagation Applied to the Versatile Test Reactor Conceptual Design. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 392(111744).
  6. Rivas, A., Delipei, G., Hou J. (2022) Predictions of Component Remaining Useful Lifetime Using Bayesian Neural Network. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 146(104143).


  1. Xu Y, Hou J, Ivanov K. Methodology for Discontinuity Factors Generation for Simplified P3 Solver Based on Nodal Expansion Formulation. Energies. 2021; 14(20): 6478.
  2. G. Delipei, J. Hou, M. Avramova, K. Ivanov. Summary of Comparative Analysis and Conclusions from OECD/NEA LWR-UAM Benchmark Phase I. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 384 (2021): 111474.
  3. Avramova, M.; Abarca, A.; Hou, J.; Ivanov, K. Innovations in Multi-Physics Methods Development, Validation, and Uncertainty Quantification. Journal of Nuclear Engineering. 2021, 2, 44-56.
  4. A. Rivas, N. Stauff, T. Sumner, J. Hou, “Propagating Neutronic Uncertainties for FFTF LOFWOS Test# 13.” Nuclear Engineering and Design, 375 (2021): 111047.


  1. M. Altahhan, S. Bhaskar, D. Ziyad, P. Balestra, C. Fiorina, J. Hou, N. Smith, M. Avramova, “Preliminary design and analysis of Liquid Fuel Molten Salt Reactor using multi-physics code GeN-Foam,” Nuclear Engineering and Design, 369 (2020).
  2. I. Trivedi, J. Hou, G. Grasso, K. Ivanov, F. Franceschini, “Nuclear Data Uncertainty Quantification and Propagation for Safety Analysis of Lead-cooled Fast Reactors,” Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, vol. 2020, Article ID 3961095, 2020.
  3. J. Hou, M. Avramova, K. Ivanov, “Best-Estimate Plus Uncertainty Framework for Multi-Scale, Multi-Physics Light Water Reactor Core Analysis,” Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, vol. 2020, Article ID 7526864, 2020.
  4. C. Wan, Z. Sui, L. Cao, Z. Liu, B. Wang, J. Hou, “Nuclear-data Uncertainty Propagation in Transient Simulation for the C5G7-TD Benchmark Problem,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, 140, 107122 (2020).
  5. K. Zeng, N.E. Stauff, J. Hou, T.K. Kim, “Development of Multi-Objective Core Optimization Framework and Application to Sodium-cooled Fast Test Reactors,” Progress of Nuclear Energy, 120,103184 (2020).


  1. K. Zeng, J. Hou, M. Jessee, K. Ivanov, “Uncertainty Quantification and Propagation of Multi-Physics Simulation of the Pressurized Water Reactor Core,” Nuclear Technology, 205:12, 1618-1637 (2019).
  2. S. Sihlangu, V. Naicker, J. Hou, F. Reitsma, “Further Development of Methodology to Model TRISO and BISO Particles and Related Uncertainty Quantification using SCALE 6,” Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 56:8, 690-709 (2019).

2016 – 2018

  1. Q. Li, Y. Jiao, M. Avramova, P. Chen, J. Yu, J. Chen, J. Hou, “Development, Verification and Application of a New Model for Active Nucleation Site Density in Boiling Systems,” Nuclear Engineering and Design, 328, pp. 1-9, (2018).
  2. L. Wang, J. Guo, F. Li, J. Hou and K. Ivanov, “Effect of Nuclear Data on Fuel Element Neutronic Characteristics of Pebble-bed High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor,” Atomic Energy Science and Technology, 51, 9 (2017). [In Chinese]
  3. J. Hou, K. Ivanov, V. Boyarinov and P. Fomichenko, “OECD/NEA Benchmark for Time-Dependent Neutron Transport Calculations without Spatial Homogenization,” Nuclear Engineering and Design, 317, pp. 177-189 (2017).
  4. J. Hou, S. Qvist, R. Kellogg and E. Greenspan, “3D In-core Fuel Management Optimization for Breed-and-Burn Reactors,” Progress in Nuclear Energy, 88, pp. 58-74 (2016).

Conference Proceedings and Transactions


  1. Rollins, N. , Hou, J. “Impact of Cooldown on Pebble Fuel Burnup Prediction Using Machine Learning”, International Conference on Physics of Reactors (PHYSOR), San Francisco, California, USA, April, 2024.


  1. Rivas, A., Delipei, G.K.*, Satyan, B., Davis, I., & Hou, J. (2023, August). Preliminary Investigation on Multivariate Control Scheme and Optimization for Advanced Reactors. International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C 2023), Niagara Falls, Canada.
  2. Delipei, G.K.*, Mikouchi-Lopez, J., Rouxelin, P. & Hou, J. (2023, August). Reactor Core Loading Pattern Optimization with Reinforcement Learning. International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C 2023), Niagara Falls, Canada.
  3. Rollins, N.Allen, I., & Hou, J. (2023, August). Burnup Correlation with Gamma Spectrum of the Pebble Bed Reactor Fuel Using Machine Learning. International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C 2023), Niagara Falls, Canada.
  4. Nguyen, K.Rivas, A., Delipei, G.K.*, & Hou, J. (2023, August). Preliminary Study on Control Sequence Optimization for Advanced Reactors using Reinforcement Learning. International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C 2023), Niagara Falls, Canada.
  5. Nguyen, K.Ogujiuba, K., & Hou, J. (2023, August). Summary of comparative study on Deterministic Time-Dependent Neutron Transport Benchmark without Spatial Homogenization (C5G7-TD). International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C 2023), Niagara Falls, Canada.
  6. Baker, U., Lindley, B., Nguyen, K. H. N., Choi, Y. J., Hou, J. (2023) Analysis of Accident Tolerant Fuel Design in Light Water Reactors. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 128, 302-305, 2023 ANS Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, June 11–14, 2023.
  7. Nguyen, K., Choi, Y. J.,  Abdo, M. G., Kim, J., Wang, C., Hou, J. (2023) Optimization of Light Water Reactor Core Design Using a Genetic Algorithm in the RAVEN Framework. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 128, 664-667, 2023 ANS Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, June 11–14, 2023.


  1. Bullerwell, L., Abarca, A., Avramova, M., Hou, J. (2022) A Three-Dimensional Cartesian Thermal-Hydraulic Solver in the Residual Formulation of CTF. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 127, 1226-1229, 2022 ANS Winter Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, November 13–17, 2022.
  2. Rivas, A., Delipei, G.K., Davis, I., Bhongale, S., Yang, J., Hou, J. (2022) Fault Characterization of Centrifugal Pump Bearings Using Deep Neural Networks. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 127, 846-849, 2022 ANS Winter Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, November 13–17, 2022.
  3. Ogujiuba, K., Nguyen, K.H.N., Choi, Y-J., Hou, J. (2022) Neutronics Assessment of Advanced Fuel Claddings in the Equilibrium LWR Core Design. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 127, 569-572, 2022 ANS Winter Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, November 13–17, 2022.
  4. Fustero, J. Powell, W., Ni, K., Kulkarni, K.A, Delipei, G.K., Holler, D., Hou, J. Delchini, M. Smith, R., Avramova, M. (2022) High-to-Low Multi-Physics Modeling and Uncertainty Propagation Using NEAMS Tools. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 127, 438-441, 2022 ANS Winter Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, November 13–17, 2022.
  5. Choi, Y-J., Palamone, G., Heagy, S., Frepoli, C., Ogujiuba, K., Rollins, N., Delipei, G., Hou, J., & Blakely, C. (2022) Modeling and Simulation Needs and Capabilities for Artificial Intelligence Based Plant Reload Optimization Platform. Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management PSAM 16, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 26-July 1, 2022.
  6. Ogujiuba, K., Delipei, G., Mertyurek, U., Hou, J., Wieselquist, W., & Ivanov, K. (2022) Estimation of Recoverable Energies in Neutron-Induced Fission and Capture with Associated Uncertainties. International Conference on Physics of Reactors 2022 (PHYSOR 2022). Pittsburgh, PA. May 15-20, 2022.
  7. Altahhan, M., Delipei, G., Holler, D., Hou, J., Avramova, M., & Ivanov, K. (2022) julia for Enhancing Nuclear Engineering Simulations (JENES): Introduction to the JENES Project and Platform. International Conference on Physics of Reactors 2022 (PHYSOR 2022). Pittsburgh, PA. May 15-20, 2022.
  8. Ni, K., Cao, Y., Stauff, N.E., & Hou, J. (2022) Assessment of Griffin Cross-Section Interpolation Capability on TRISO-Fueled Heat-Pipe Micro-Reactor. International Conference on Physics of Reactors 2022 (PHYSOR 2022). Pittsburgh, PA. May 15-20, 2022.
  9. Ni, K. & Hou, J. (2022) An Efficient High-To-Low Informing Scheme for Core Neutronics Calculations Based on NEAMS Tools. International Conference on Physics of Reactors 2022 (PHYSOR 2022). Pittsburgh, PA. May 15-20, 2022.
  10. Trivedi, I., Zeng, K., Hou, J., & Stauff, N.E. (2022) Impact of Nuclear Data Covariance Libraries on Uncertainty Quantification of Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor Simulation. International Conference on Physics of Reactors 2022 (PHYSOR 2022). Pittsburgh, PA. May 15-20, 2022.
  11. Williams, J., Howe, T., & Hou, J. (2022) Neutronics Modeling of the Pulsed Plasma Rocket Reactor Using Rattlesnake. International Conference on Physics of Reactors 2022 (PHYSOR 2022). Pittsburgh, PA. May 15-20, 2022.
  12. L. Bullerwell, A. Abarca, M. Avramova, J. Hou, “Development of a Steady-State solver and Nonlinear Iteration in the Residual Formulation of CTF,” 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19), March 6-11, 2022.
  13. S. Bhaskar, D. Holler, M. Avramova, J. Hou, “Liquid Fuel Molten Salt Reactor Uncertainty Analysis Using Gen-Foam and Dakota,” 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19), March 6-11, 2022.


  1. A. Rivas, G.K. Delipei, I. Davis, Y. Britts, J. Hou, “Transient Characterization in High-temperature Gas-cooled Reactors Using Deep Neural Networks,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 125, 778-781, 2021 ANS Winter Meeting, November 30-December 3, 2021.
  2. J. Chen, J. Hou, K. Ivanov, “A Hybrid Monte Carlo Method for k-eigenvalue Problem,” Proceedings of M&C 2021 Conference, 220-229, Raleigh, NC, October 3-7, 2021.
  3. G. K. Delipei, K. Zeng, J. Hou, “Impact of Covariances Estimation on Uncertainty Propagation in Reactor Core Simulations,” Proceedings of M&C 2021 Conference, 1656-1665, Raleigh, NC, October 3-7, 2021.
  4. K. Ni, J. Hou, M. Avramova, “Development of a High-to-Low Informing Scheme for Core Neutronics Calculations Based on NEAMS Tools,” Proceedings of M&C 2021 Conference, 1394-1403, Raleigh, NC, October 3-7, 2021.
  5. Y. Xu, J. Hou, K. Ivanov, “A Transport Corrected SP3 Solver Development with Nodal Expansion Method,” Proceedings of M&C 2021 Conference, 1729-1739, Raleigh, NC, October 3-7, 2021.
  6. B. Andersen, A. Godfrey, J. Hou, D. Kropaczek, “Application of Deep Learning Networks to Surrogate Modeling of Crud Deposition,” Proceedings of M&C 2021 Conference, 1782-1791, Raleigh, NC, October 3-7, 2021.
  7. L. Bullerwell, P. C. Shriwise, P. K. Romano, J. Hou, “Development of an OpenFOAM interface for ENRICO,” Proceedings of M&C 2021 Conference, 641-650, Raleigh, NC, October 3-7, 2021.
  8. B. Andersen, J. Hou, D. Kropaczek, “Minimizing CRUD Deposition through Optimization of Associated Parameters,” EPJ Web Conf. 247 12009 (2021).
  9. Y. Xu, J. Hou, K. Ivanov, “Improvement to NEM SP3 Modelling and Simulation,” EPJ Web Conf. 247 03008 (2021). DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/202124703008.
  10. K. Ni, J. Hou, M. Avramova, “Implementation and Comparison of Assembly Discontinuity Factors for PROTEUS-MOCEX,” EPJ Web Conf. 247 02035 (2021).


  1. A. Rivas, J. Hou, G Ilas, “Preliminary Benchmark Calculations of Spent Nuclear Fuel Isotopic Concentration Using BWR Assay Data,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 123, 1365-1368, 2020 ANS Virtual Winter Meeting, November 16-19 (2020).
  2. V. Naicker, S. Sihlangu, J. Hou, F. Reitsma, “Neutronic Uncertainty Propagation for the HTTR in terms of the IAEA CRP on HTGR uncertainty Analysis in Modelling,” International Conference on High Temperature Reactor Technology (HTR 2020), Yogyakarta, Oct 6-8, 2020.
  3. J. Chen, J. Hou, “A Hybrid Neutronics Method with Diffusion Synthetic Acceleration for k-eigenvalue Problem,” 2020 ANS Annual Meeting Transactions, Virtual Meeting, June 8-11, 2020.


  1. K. Zeng, N. Stauff, J. Hou, “Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of the Advanced Burner Reactor Core Using NEAMS Workbench,” 2019 ANS Winter Meeting Transactions, Washington DC, November 17-21, 2019.
  2. M. Avramova, J. Hou, K. Ivanov, “Contributions of Mark Williams to OECD/NEA LWR-UAM Multi-Scale Reactor Physics Framework,” 2019 ANS Winter Meeting Transactions, Washington DC, November 17-21, 2019.
  3. K. Zeng, J. Hou, K. Ivanov, “Uncertainty Analysis of Pressurized Water Reactor Core Cycle Depletion Calculation,” 2019 ANS Winter Meeting Transactions, Washington DC, November 17-21, 2019.
  4. B. Andersen, D. Kropaczek, J. Hou, “BWR Fuel Bundle Optimization Based on Three-Dimensional Fuel Rods,” 2019 ANS Winter Meeting Transactions, Washington DC, November 17-21, 2019.
  5. K. Zeng, J. Hou, K. Ivanov, “Impact of Spatial Coupling Schemes and Perturbation Options on Uncertainty Quantification of PWR Core Simulation,” Proceedings of M&C 2019 Conference (pp. 2755-2764), Portland, OR, August 25-29, 2019.
  6. J. Hou, C. Maras, C. Gozum, M. Avramova, K. Ivanov, “Comparative Analysis of Solutions of Neutronics Exercises of the LWR UAM Benchmark,” Proceedings of M&C 2019 Conference (pp. 2726-2735), Portland, OR, August 25-29, 2019.
  7. I. Trivedi, J. Hou, G. Grasso, K. Ivanov, “Uncertainty Quantification on Feedback and Safety Parameters of Lead-Cooled Fast Reactors,” Proceedings of M&C 2019 Conference (pp. 1483-1492), Portland, OR, August 25-29, 2019.
  8. S. Bhaskar, M. Altahhan, P. Balestra, J. Hou, M. Avramova, N. Smith, C. Fiolina, “GeN-Foam 3D Coupled Calculation of Liquid Fuel Molten Salt Reactor Primary Loop,” Proceedings of NURETH 18, Portland, Oregon, Aug 18-23, 2019.
  9. J. Hou, K. Ni, A. Hawari, “An Artificial Neural Network Based Anomaly Detection Algorithm for Nuclear Power Plants,” ANS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, June 9-13, 2019.
  10. L. Bullerwell, N. Smith, J. Hou, “Design of a Small Modular Molten Salt Reactor,” ANS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, June 9-13, 2019.

2016 – 2018

  1. M. Altahhan, S. Bhaskar, P. Balestra, J. Hou, M. Avramova, N. Smith, “Advanced Liquid Fuel Molten Salt Reactor Core Simulation Using Gen-Foam,” Advances in Thermal Hydraulics (ATH 2018), Orlando, FL, November 11-15, 2018.
  2. M. Altahhan, P. Balestra, J. Hou, M. Avramova, “Implementation of the Multigroup Telegraph Based P1 Approximation and Comparison to the Multigroup Diffusion Based P1 Approximation in Gen-Foam,” Proceedings of PHYTRA4, Marrakech, Morocco, September 17-19, 2018.
  3. S. Bhaskar, M. Altahhan, Devshibhai Ziyad, P. Balestra, J. Hou, M. Avramova, “Modelling and Simulation of a Liquid Fuel Molten Salt Reactor Core Using Gen-Foam,” Proceedings of PHYTRA4, Marrakech, Morocco, September 17-19, 2018.
  4. Y. Xu, J. Hou, K. Ivanov, “New Implementation of Second-Order Discontinuity Factor for Simplified P3 Theory in NEM,” Proceedings of PHYTRA4, Marrakech, Morocco, September 17-19, 2018.
  5. G. Zhang, K. Zeng, N. Stauff, J. Hou, T.K. Kim, T.H. Fanning, “Uncertainty Quantification of ABR Transient Safety Analysis,” ANS Best Estimate Uncertainty International Conference (BEPU 2018), Lucca, Italy, May 13-19, 2018.
  6. N.E. Stauff, K. Zeng, G. Zhang, G. Aliberti, J. Hou, T. Fanning, and T. K. Kim, “Uncertainty Quantification of ABR Transient Safety Analysis – Nuclear Data Uncertainties,” ANS Best Estimate Uncertainty International Conference (BEPU 2018), Lucca, Italy, May 13-19, 2018.
  7. I. Trivedi, J. Hou, J. Li, G. Grasso, F. Franceschini, K. Ivanov, “Impact of Nuclear Data Uncertainties on Lead-cooled Fast Reactors,” ANS Best Estimate Uncertainty International Conference (BEPU 2018), Lucca, Italy, May 13-19, 2018.
  8. K. Zeng, J. Hou, M. Jessee, K. Ivanov, “Uncertainty Quantification on Pressurized Water Reactor Coupled Core Simulation Using Stochastic Sampling Method,” ANS Best Estimate Uncertainty International Conference (BEPU 2018), Lucca, Italy, May 13-19, 2018.
  9. S.F. Sihlangu, V.V. Naicker, J. Hou, F. Reitsma, “Uncertainty Quantification in the MHGTR-350 Fuel Compact and Block Using TSUNAMI-3D Clutch Method and Sampler,” ANS Best Estimate Uncertainty International Conference (BEPU 2018), Lucca, Italy, May 13-19, 2018.
  10. A. Jambria, A. Alfonsi, C. Rabiti, J. Hou, K. Ivanov, “PHISICS/INSTANT Time-dependent Heterogeneous Transport Simulations of the C5G7-TD Benchmark,” PHYSOR 2018: Reactors Physics paving the way towards more efficient systems, Cancun, Mexico, April 22-26, 2018.
  11. Y. Xu, J. Hou, K. Ivanov, “Implementation of Second-Order Discontinuity Factor for Simplified P3 Theory in NEM,” PHYSOR 2018: Reactors Physics paving the way towards more efficient systems, Cancun, Mexico, April 22-26, 2018.
  12. J. Hou, K. Ivanov, V. Boyarinov, P. Fomichenko, “C5G7-TD Benchmark for Time-Dependent Heterogeneous Neutron Transport Calculations,” Int’l Conference on Mathematics & Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science & Engineering, Jeju, Korea, Apr 16-20, 2017.
  13. K. Zeng, J. Hou, K. Ivanov, M. Jessee, “Uncertainty Analysis of Light Water Reactor Core Simulations Using Statistic Sampling Method,” Int’l Conference on Mathematics & Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science & Engineering, Jeju, Korea, Apr 16-20, 2017.
  14. L. Wang, J. Guo, F. Li, J. Hou, K. Ivanov, “Effect of Double Heterogeneity Treatment on Neutronics Modeling of HTGR Unit Cell,” 2016 International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology (HTR2016), Las Vegas, NV, Nov 2016.
  15. Q. Li, M. Avramova, J. Yu, Y. Jiao, J. Hou, “A New Model for Active Nucleation Site Density In Boiling Systems,” International Topical Meeting on Advances in Thermal Hydraulics 2016 (ATH 16), New Orleans, LA, June 2016.
  16. J. Hou, S. Qvist, R. Kellogg, E. Greenspan, “In-core Fuel Management Optimization for Breed-and-Burn Reactors with 3D Fuel Shuffling,” PHYSOR 2016 – Unifying Theory and Experiments in the 21st Century, Sun Valley, Idaho, May 2016.

Technical Reports


  1. Kim, J. , Lawrence, S. , Abdo, M. , Luque-Gutierrez, J. , Rollins, N. , Hou, J. , Ivanov, B. , Donell, A. , Spooner, S. “Gains in operational flexibility, safety margins, and cost efficiencies via integrated Plant Reload Optimization platform” . INL/MIS-24-77706-Rev000, U.S. D.O.E., August 2024.


  1. Nguyen, K, & DeHart, Mark D. “Modeling of the Advanced Test Reactor Using OpenMC, Cubit and Griffin”. INL/RPT-23-74489, Idaho National Laboratory, August 2023.


  1. Y-J Choi, M. Abdo, C. Wang, J. Valeri, C. Frepoli, K. Nguyen, J. Hou. “Development of Plant Reload Optimization Platform Capabilities for Core Design and Fuel Performance Analysis”. INL/RPT-22-70382, Idaho National Laboratory, December 2022.
  2. Y-J Choi, M. Abdo, G. Palamone, S. Heagy, C. Frepoli, K. Ogujiuba, N. Rollins, G. Delipei*, J. Hou, “Development and Demonstration of a Risk-Informed Approach to the Regulatory Required Fuel Reload Safety Analysis,” INL/RPT-22-68628, Idaho National Laboratory, August 2022.
  3. Y-J Choi, K. Ogujiuba, N. Rollins, K. Nguyen, J. Hou, U Baker, B. Lindley, “Safety Analysis for Accident-Tolerant Fuels with Increased Enrichment and Extended Burnup,” INL/RPT-22-68581, Idaho National Laboratory, August 2022.

2016 – 2021

  1. J. Christensen, V. Agarwal, M. Avramova, M. Diaconeasa, J. Hou, S. Palmtag, Y. Azmy, “Fission Battery Initiative – Safety and Licensing Workshop Report,” INL/EXT-21 Rev 0, Idaho National Laboratory, September 2021.
  2. N. Stauff, P. Lartaud, Y.S. Jung, P. Seurin, C.H. Lee, K. Zeng, J. Hou, “Status of the NEAMS and ARC Neutronics Fast Reactor Tools Integration to the NEAMS Workbench,” ANL/NEAMS-19/1, Argonne National Laboratory, September 30, 2019.
  3. K. Zeng, J. Hou, “Modeling SFR-UAM Benchmark Using NEAMS Workbench,” RDFMG_UAM-SFR, August 2019.
  4. M. Altahhan, S. Bhaskar, P. Balestra, J. Hou, M. Avramova, “NCSU Progress Report for the MSR Design Project,” RDFMG, April 2019.
  5. M. Altahhan, S. Bhaskar, P. Balestra, J. Hou, M. Avramova, “NCSU Progress Report for the MSR Design Project,” RDFMG, December 2018.
  6. M. Altahhan, S. Bhaskar, D. Ziyad, J. Hou, P. Balestra, “NCSU Technical Report for the MSR Design Project,” RDFMG_MSRDES/001, April 2018.
  7. V. Boyarinov, P. Formichenko, J. Hou, M. Avramov, K. Ivanov, A. Aures, W. Zwermann, K. Velkov, “Deterministic Time-Dependent Neutron Transport Benchmark without Spatial Homogenization (C5G7-TD), Volume II: Dynamics Phase,”’ NEA/NSC 2018.
  8. V. Boyarinov, P. Formichenko, J. Hou, K. Ivanov, A. Aures, W. Zwermann, K. Velkov, “Deterministic Time-Dependent Neutron Transport Benchmark without Spatial Homogenization (C5G7-TD), Volume I: Kinetics Phase,”’ NEA/NSC 2016.