Department Fact Sheet 2016
- 104 Graduate Students:
9 residents MS & MNE, 21 MNE-Distance Education, 74 PhD - 117 Undergraduates Students (Sophomore – Senior)
Degrees Granted
- Summer 2015 – Spring 2016: 23 BS, 12 MNE & MS, 11 PhD
- American Nuclear Society (ANS) Mark Mills’ best dissertation awards: 1989, ‘99, 2004, ‘06-‘07, ‘12-‘15
Graduate Student Support
- 39 Research Assistantships
- 17 Teaching Assistantships
- 1 Research/Teaching Assistantships
- 22 Fellowships: Externally-/Internally-Selected; International
- 1 Company Supported
- 1 Internship at National lab
- 2 US Army-Funded
- 21 Distance Education Students
- 17 tenured/tenure track:
1 Assistant, 8 Associate and 8 Full Professors - 4 Joint Faculty Appointments with Oak Ridge National Lab;
- 1 JFA with Idaho National Lab (NEUP)
- 1 Progress Energy Chair and 1 Duke Energy Chair in Nuclear Engineering;
2 Distinguished Professors - 1 Teaching Associate Professor, 1 Research Assistant Professor,
3 Research Professors - 19 Adjunct Faculty, 2 Emeritus Faculty
- 4 Post-Doctoral Research Scholars
Instructional & Research Areas
- Nuclear Fission Power
- Nuclear Security and Radiation Detection and Applications
- Plasma Science and Engineering
- Nuclear Materials
- Nuclear Computational Science
Research Facilities and Entities
- 1 MW PULSTAR Reactor; Experimental Facilities: Neutron Imaging Facility, Ultra Cold Neutron Source, Neutron Powder Diffractometer, Intense Slow Positron Beam, Neutron Activation Lab; Average annual research budget $1.5 M.
Director: Hawari - Founding member of Consortium for Advanced Simulation of LWRs (CASL): Initial award $122 M over 5 years (awarded 5 year renewal for up to $121.5 M).
Chief Scientist: Kropaczek
Education Program Chair: Doster - Lead, Consortium for Nonproliferation Enabling Capabilities (CNEC): Total Award $25M over 5 years involving 7 universities & 3 national labs;
Chief Scientist: Gardner
Director: Azmy
Technical Director: Mattingly
Educational Outreach Director: Marshall - Co-host, Center for Nuclear Energy Facilities and Structures:
Dinh - Nuclear Power Plant Simulation Laboratory with a Generic PWR Simulator:
Doster, Hou - Consortium for Engineering Applications of Radioisotopes (CEAR):
Director: Gardner - International CTF Users’ Group:
Coordinator: Avramova - Radiation Detection Laboratory:
Hawari, Mattingly - Atmospheric plasma applications, hypervelocity launch devices, and fusion engineering:
Bourham, Gilligan, Shannon - Nuclear Materials and Corrosion:
Murty, Kaomi, Bourham, Eapen - Radiant – Computational Materials Laboratory:
Eapen - Reactor Dynamics and Fuel Modeling Group (RDFMG):
Research Funding
- July 2015 – June 2016:
$29.7 M total proposal, $10.6 M grant awards, $6.7 M sponsored research expenditures
Near Future
- PULSTAR uprate to 2 MW complete and awaiting NRC approval
- Ongoing search for 2 faculty positions