

NE 406: Nuclear Engineering Senior Design Preparation

Fall 2021, fALL 2022

Preliminary design phase in nuclear engineering systems to prepare for the final phase design. Preliminary designs developed by teams with advice of faculty, with reports presented in oral and written form. Current and future systems emphasized, and use of computers encouraged.

NE 408: Nuclear Engineering Design Project

Spring 2022, Spring 2023

Projects in design of practical nuclear engineering systems. Preliminary designs developed by teams with advice by faculty as needed, with reports presented in oral and written form. Current and future systems emphasized, and use of computers encouraged.

NE 520: Radiation and Reactor Fundamentals

Spring 2021, sUMMER 2021, fALL 2021, Fall 2022

Basics of nuclear physics and reactor physics that are needed for graduate studies in nuclear engineering. Concepts covered include, atomic and nuclear models, nuclear reactions, nuclear fission, radioactive decay, neutron interactions, nuclear reactors, neutron diffusion in non-multiplying and multiplying systems, and basic nuclear reactor kinetics.

NE 795: Advanced Topics in Nuclear Engineering – Non-Ideal Plasmas

Fall 2020

Topics Covered: Fundamental physics of non-ideal plasma covering thermo- and hydrodynamics, kinetic theory, radiation transport, shock waves, strongly coupled and complex plasma, warm dense matter, and natural, laboratory, and industrial sources including astrophysical objects, sonoluminescence, and inertial confinement fusion.