NE 290 Introduction to Health Physics:
Fundamentals of ionizing radiation safety. The course will review basic physical principles, radiation sources, introductory radiation dosimetry, radiation safety guidelines, evaluation of safety measures, and basic radiation control principles for contamination and radioactive material safety.
Prerequisites: MA 242 and PY 208.
NE 431/531 Nuclear Waste Management:
Scientific and engineering aspects of nuclear waste management. Management of spent fuel, high-level waste, uranium mill tailings, low-level waste and decommissioning wastes. Fundamental processes for the evaluation of waste management systems with emphasis on the safety assessment of waste disposal facilities to include nuclear criticality safety, free release and transportation.
Prerequisite: MA 341 and PY208 (or equivalent).
NE 490/590 Health Physics and Radiological Emergency Response:
This is an advanced health physics course encompassing internal and external radiological dosimetry along with control of radiation fields including airborne radioactivity. Students will learn basic interactions and response functions, biological effects as well as natural and manmade sources allowing emphasis on the final coverage of nuclear emergency response.
Prerequisite: MA 341 and PY 208 (or equivalent).
NE 777 Radiological Assessment:
Principles of analyzing environmental radiation transport and resulting human exposure and dose and dose management. Source terms of radiation exposure, the radon problem, transport or radionuclides in the atmosphere, effluent pathways modeling, radiation dosimetry, probabilistic models for environmental assessment, uncertainty analysis, and radiation risk management. A laboratory research project report will be developed as an outcome of this course.
Prerequisite: NE520 & NE504 or NE590 and a semester long statistics course or permission by instructor.