OECD/NEA Time-Dependent Neutron Transport
The OECD/NEA C5G7-TD Benchmark is an international Time-Dependent Neutron Transport Benchmark without Spatial Homogenization benchmark – C5G7-TD. The benchmarka ctvities are coordinated by the NCSU faculty: Dr. Jason Hou aand Dr. kostadin Ivanov in cooperation with Dr. Victor Boyarinov, from National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Russia.
The current benchmark model is based on the well-established steady-state C5G7 benchmark problems. It is a miniature light water reactor (LWR) with sixteen fuel assemblies (mini-core): eight uranium oxide (UO2) assemblies and eight mixed oxide (MOX) assemblies, surrounded by a water reflector. There are two sets of exercises considered in this problem. The first set, including several exercises, is focused on the 2-D configuration of the C5G7 core. The second set, including also several exercises, is with regard to the 3-D C5G7 configuration. Draft specification document entitled “Deterministic Time-Dependent Neutron Transport Benchmark without Spatial Homogenization (C5G7-TD)” has been prepared and distributed for comments and corrections. There are annual benchmark workshops which are attended by many experts in industry, research institutes, national laboratories, academia, and government agencies. The 2nd benchmark workshop will take place on May 8-9, 2017 in Erlangen, Germany and will be hosted by AREVA NP GmbH.