The OECD/NEA UAM-LWR Benchmark is an international high-visibility benchmark for uncertainty analysis in best-estimate coupled code calculations for design, operation, and safety analysis of LWRs. The benchmark activities are coordinated by the NCSU faculty: Dr. Maria Avramova and Dr. Kostadin Ivanov in cooperation with Dr. Eric Royer from CEA, France.
Reference systems and scenarios for coupled code analysis are defined to study the uncertainty effects for all stages of the system calculations. Uncertainty propagation is being estimated through the whole simulation process – the benchmark builds a unified framework, which can be used and followed in the future. The chain of uncertainty propagation from basic data, and engineering uncertainties, across different scales (multi-scale), and physics phenomena (multi-physics) is tested on a number of benchmark exercises for which experimental data is available and for which the power plant details have been released. There are annual benchmark workshops which are attended by many experts in industry, research institutes, national laboratories, academia, and government agencies. The next 11th benchmark workshop will take place on May 10-12, 2017 in Erlangen, Germany and will be hosted by AREVA NP GmbH.
For more Information about the incoming UAM-LWR-11 benchmark workshop, click here.