Devshi Zid
Graduate Research Assistant
North Carolina State University
Burlington Engineering Lab 1222
Raleigh, NC | 27695-7909
1) Subchannel Thermal Hydraulics Calculations and Uncertainty Analysis of Initial Load Assemblies of Peach Bottom Power Station Unit # 2 Reactor (On going)
2) Explicit Coupling of Serpent Monte Carlo Neutronics Code with Thermal Hydraulics Sub-channel Code, CTF, for Oskarshamn-2 Benchmark-Full Core Model for Modified Geometry
3) To modify a 2-D Numerical Solver for Two-Phase Bubbly Flow for Various Pipe Fittings.
Ph.D. Student Nuclear Engineering, North Carolina State University
M.Tech. Nuclear Engineering and Technology Program, IIT Kanpur
B.E. Mechanical Engineering, L.D. College of Engineering
[1] S. Kamble, D. Ziyad, M. Kalra “Friction Factors in Fully Developed MHD Laminar Flows for Oblique Magnetic Fields and High Hartmann Numbers in Rectangular Channels.“ IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. Volume: 45, Issue: 12 , Dec. 2017
[2] S. Yadav, D. Ziyad, A. Kumar. “Numerical investigation of isothermal and non-isothermal ice slurry flow in horizontal elliptical pipes.” International Journal of Refrigeration Volume 97, Jan. 2019.
[3] S. Bhaskar, M. Altahhan, D. Ziyad, P. Balestra, J. Hou, M. Avramova. “Modelling and Simulation of a Liquid fuel Molten Salt reactor Core Using Gen-Foam.” PHYTRA4 – The 4th International Conference on Physics and Technology of Reactors and Applications. Marrakech, Morocco, September 17-19, 2018.