Daniel Sluder

Graduate Research Assistant

Email: dsluder@ncsu.edu

Research Description

I am working toward my Ph.D. degree in Nuclear Engineering. My research focus is on advanced research and test reactor risk-informed safety analysis.


I am currently an Experiment Engineer at the Advanced Test Reactor. I work as an experiment representative and experiment safety analyst for a variety of irradiation experiments. I am also the principal investigator of a Laboratory Directed Research and Development project to expand the ATR safety basis to encompass molten fuel experiments. Prior to my work at INL, I was a National Nuclear Security Administration Graduate Fellow stationed in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I have bachelor’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Physics. I also complet​ed a master’s degree in Physics. My thesis topic was on electromagnetic calorimetry for use in measuring the parity violating asymmetry in Moller scattering.​​


Nuclear Engineering
North Carolina State University

Nuclear Engineering
North Carolina State University

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