Scott Palmtag

Research Professor

  • 919-515-4600
  • 2109 Burlington Laboratory



Nuclear Engineering

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Research Description

Scott Palmtag's research interests include reactor physics, computational reactor physics, and multiphysics modeling.


Data-driven prediction and uncertainty quantification of PWR crud-induced power shift using convolutional neural networks
Furlong, A., Alsafadi, F., Palmtag, S., Godfrey, A., & Wu, X. (2025), Energy.
Advanced Liquid-Metal-Cooled Fast Reactor Core Design Using Modern Optimization Algorithms
Al-Dawood, K., & Palmtag, S. (2024, May 22), NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Vol. 5.
METAL: Methodology for liquid metal fast reactor core economic design and fuel loading pattern optimization
Al-Dawood, K., & Palmtag, S. (2024), PROGRESS IN NUCLEAR ENERGY, 173.
A Design and Optimization Methodology for Liquid Metal Fast Reactors
Al-Dawood, K., & Palmtag, S. (2023), INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH, 2023.
Fuel cycle cost comparison between lead and sodium cooled fast reactors
Al-Dawood, K., & Palmtag, S. (2023), NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 414.
Solving the Neutron Transport Equation for Microreactor Modeling Using Unstructured Meshes and Exascale Computing Architectures
Dawn, W. C., & Palmtag, S. (2023, May 11), NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Vol. 5.
CTF: A modernized, production-level, thermal hydraulic solver for the solution of industry-relevant challenge problems in pressurized water reactors
Salko, R., Wysocki, A., Blyth, T., Toptan, A., Hu, J., Kumar, V., … Pilch, M. (2022), NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 397.
Control rod modeling in liquid metal-cooled fast reactors
Kiefer, T. M., Dawn, W. C., Al-Dawood, K., & Palmtag, S. (2022, July). , . Retrieved from
LMFR design and optimization methodology
Al-Dawood, K. A., & Palmtag, S. P. (2022, July). , . Retrieved from
VERA BWR Progression Problems
Lawing, C. ; Palmtag, S. ; & Asgari, M. (2022, May). , . Retrieved from

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