Mohamed Bourham

Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor of Nuclear Engineering, Director of College of Engineering Master of Engineering Program

Dr. Mohamed Bourham’s interests are in Plasma-matter interaction, plasma propulsion and thrusters, fusion engineering, plasma surface modification, particle accelerators and electron beam irradiation systems, x-ray sources for medical and screening imaging, materials synthesis and coatings, shielding and radiation attenuation studies, nuclear and mixed waste disposal, drycasks and high-level waste packaging studies. In plasma matter-interaction it is from interaction with solids to liquids to energetic combustible materials to fabrics and micro-organisms. He is also interested in studies related to the use of electrothermal plasma launchers for hypervelocity applications and the acceleration of fuel pellets to velocities sufficient for the fusion fueling process with high repetition rates.

He also has research on atmospheric pressure plasma surface modification and functionalization with textile materials to provide enhanced properties such as sterilization, anti-microbial and insect repelling textiles.

Another research area is nuclear and mixed waste disposal and the studies to enhance performance of shielding of drycasks and waste packages. He works in the areas of experimental and computational high heat flux irradiation of materials, gamma ray and neutron attenuation in structure materials, radiation shielding in concretes, studies on multi-layered coatings and corrosion barriers for high level waste packages, and research on evaluation of materials’ corrosion using electrochemical techniques of cyclic potentiodynamic polarization.


Ph.D. 1976

Electrical Engineering-Plasma Physics

Ain Shams University

M.S. 1969

Electrical Engineering-Plasma Physics

Cairo University

B.S. 1965

Electrophysics Engineering

Alexandria University

Research Description

Dr. Bourham's interests are in various areas with research diversity. Area of plasma science: he has interest in plasma-matter interactions, from interaction with solids to liquids to energetic combustible materials to fabrics and micro-organisms; and electrothermal plasmas for propulsion, thrusters and pellet injectors for fusion fueling. Area of materials synthesis and coatings: shielding and radiation attenuation studies, nuclear and mixed waste disposal, drycasks and high-level waste packaging, and evaluation of materials’ corrosion using electrochemical techniques.


Bi2O3-ZrO2 Polymer Composites: Evaluation of Structural, Chemical, and γ-ray and Charged Particle Shielding Properties
Cao, D., Bourham, M., & Yang, G. (2024, July 2), ACS APPLIED ENGINEERING MATERIALS, Vol. 7.
Modeling of Thrust Properties for Capillary-Type Pulsed Plasma Thrusters Using Electrothermal Discharge in Teflon
El-Hadeed, M. M. A., Bourham, M. A., & Abd Al-Halim, M. A. (2024, December 4), IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, Vol. 12.
Computational Evaluation on the Use of Some Selected Ceramic MAX-Phase Coatings as Shielding Layers on Spent Fuel Dry Cask Canisters
, (2023). IOSR Journal Of Applied Physics. Retrieved from
Noninvasive liquid level sensing with laser generated ultrasonic waves
Kim, H., Balagopal, B., Kerrigan, S., Garcia, N., Chow, M.-Y., Bourham, M., … Jiang, X. (2023), Ultrasonics, 130, 106926.
A theoretical study on the radiation shielding performance of borate and tellurite glasses
Alzahrani, J. S., Eke, C., Alrowaili, Z. A., Boukhris, I., Mutuwong, C., Bourham, M. A., & Al-Buriahi, M. S. (2022), Solid State Sciences, 129, 106902.
An assessment of protective coating dry cask canisters with structurally amorphous metals (SAMs) for enhanced radiation shielding
Alsmadi, Z. Y., & Bourham, M. A. (2022), NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 388.
Computational Investigation of Beryllium and Lithium Performance in Future Fusion Tokamaks
Elbasha, N. M., Bourham, M. A., & Mohamed, B. F. (2022), New Energy Exploitation and Application, 1(1).
Shielding and corrosion properties of the Alloy 709 as canister material for spent nuclear fuel dry casks
Alsmadi, Z. Y., & Bourham, M. A. (2023), Defence Technology, 21, 116–124.
Corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of Armakap cement for nuclear applications
Moneghan, D., Shkoukani, G., Eapen, J., Bourham, M., Mustafa, W., & Kilani, R. (2021), NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 374.
Enhanced Shielding and Mechanical Properties of White Cement Mortars via Celestobarite Fine Aggregate
, (2021). International Journal of General Engineering and Technology. Retrieved from

View all publications via NC State Libraries


Flexible Hard Ceramic Coatings by Ultrasonic Spray Mist-CVD for Dry Storage Canisters of Spent Nuclear Fuel and Waste
US Dept. of Energy (DOE)(10/01/20 - 9/30/24)
High Resolution Scanning Acoustic Microscopy System for High Throughput Characterization of Materials and Nuclear Fuels
US Dept. of Energy (DOE)(10/01/21 - 9/30/23)
Enhancement of Material Characterization Capabilities at North Carolina State University
US Dept. of Energy (DOE)(10/01/19 - 9/30/22)
High Temperature Embedded/integrated Sensors (HITEIS) For Remote Monitoring Of Reactor And Fuel
US Dept. of Energy (DOE)(10/01/17 - 9/30/22)
Faculty Development Program in Nuclear Engineering at North Carolina State University, 2018
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission(7/30/19 - 7/29/22)
Evaluation of the Performance of ArmaKap Ceramic Cement as a Radiation Shielding Materials with Experiments and Simulations
ArmaKap Technologies(9/01/17 - 12/31/20)
Faculty Development Program in Nuclear Engineering at North Carolina State University, 2017
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission(6/30/17 - 6/29/20)
Advanced Nuclear Materials Laboratory Enhancements for Corrosion and Stress Corrosion Testing
US Dept. of Energy (DOE)(10/01/17 - 9/30/19)
North Carolina State University GAANN Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Nuclear Science and Engineering
US Dept. of Education (DED)(9/01/15 - 8/31/19)
Ablation Studies of Plasma-Facing Materials due to Edge Localized Modes and Hard Disruptions in Tokamak Fusion Reactors
US Dept. of Energy (DOE)(3/01/16 - 1/31/19)