OECD/NEA C5G7-TD-2 Benchmark Workshop

The OECD/NEA C5G7-TD Benchmark is an international Time-Dependent Neutron Transport Benchmark without Spatial Homogenization benchmark – C5G7-TD. The benchmarka ctvities are coordinated by the NCSU faculty: Dr. Jason Hou aand Dr. kostadin Ivanov in cooperation with Dr. Victor Boyarinov, from National Research Center  “Kurchatov Institute”, Russia.

The current benchmark model is based on the well-established steady-state C5G7 benchmark problems. It is a miniature light water reactor (LWR) with sixteen fuel assemblies (mini-core): eight uranium oxide (UO2) assemblies and eight mixed oxide (MOX) assemblies, surrounded by a water reflector. There are two sets of exercises considered in this problem. The first set, including several exercises, is focused on the 2-D configuration of the C5G7 core. The second set, including also several exercises, is with regard to the 3-D C5G7 configuration. Draft specification document entitled “Deterministic Time-Dependent Neutron Transport Benchmark without Spatial Homogenization (C5G7-TD)” has been prepared and distributed for comments and corrections. There are annual benchmark workshops which are attended by many experts in industry, research institutes, national laboratories, academia, and government agencies.

A common registrations webpage is made available for the participants to UAM-11, AER‑D, CTF-4, C5G7-TD-2, and SFR-UAM-3 workshops:

The meeting place for the five workshops during the week of May 8-12, 2017 is the AREVA GmbH in Erlangen, Germany. The information for local organisation (including hotels) is provided at the following AREVA GmbH web-site:
