Multi-Physics Model Validation Workshop

Workshop on Multi-Physics Model Validation
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
June 27 – June 29, 2017
Hunt Library: 4106
Hosted by North Carolina State University (NCSU)

The Nuclear Energy Knowledge and Validation Center (NEKVaC), INL in cooperation with the OECD/NEA Expert Group of Multi-physics Experiments, Benchmarks, and Validation (EGMPEBV), and with the support of Nuclear University Consortium (NUC), INL is sponsoring a Workshop on Multi-Physics Model Validation.

The workshop is hosted by the Nuclear Engineering Department (NED) at North Carolina State University (NCSU), and is supported by NEA/OECD international activities. The NCSU faculty, which have been involved in national and international multi-physics code validation projects, are organizing and conducting the workshop with the support of lecturers from academia, national labs, industry and research organizations in USA and abroad.

The targeted audience are professionals from industry, regulation, national laboratories and government agencies as well as graduate students, post-doctoral scholars and faculty from universities. This workshop will provide participants with understanding and knowledge of state-of-the-art concepts, principles, procedures, and challenges for validation of traditional and novel multi-physics modeling and simulation tools.

There will be no registration fee; coffee break refreshments and lunches will be provided as well as one dinner/social reception.


Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
1.0 Welcome and Opening
1.1 Expert Group on Multi-Physics Experimental Data, Benchmarking and Validation
1.2 CASL
1.3 PARCS V&V Status and Path Foward
1.4 Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) Status and Perspective
1.5 NEKVAC/NUC Workshop “Multiphysics Model Validation”
1.6 Panel Discussion: Discussion on Trends in Multi-Physics Simulation
1.7 Experience of Experimental and Analytical Program for Validation of Coupled STH and CFD Codes
1.8 TREAT program and potential use for multiphysics validation
1.9 NEA Uncertainty Analysis in Modeling UAM program
1.10 V&V of Advanced Simulation Codes: Data Support
1.11 Specificity of Closure Laws and UQ
1.12 Advanced Modeling and Simulation: Status and Perspectives
1.13 V&V Assessment for CASL/VERA
1.14 Challenges in the Design of Multi-Physics Validation Experiments
1.15 Transposition and Extrapolation
2.1 A Study of Uncertainty Quantification of CIPS
2.2 V&V Assessment for CASL/VERA
2.3 Validation of Traditional and Novel Core Thermal-Hydraulic Modeling and Simulation Tools
2.4 Considerations for Advanced Modeling and Simulation Review
2.5 Panel Discussion: Discussion on V&V Trends & Issues
2.5.1 V&V R&D
2.6 OECD/NEA Multi-Physics Benchmarks for Traditional and Novel Coupled Codes
2.7 Validation Metrics
2.8 Uncertainty Quantification and Validation Using RAVEN
2.9 Assessment of the V&V Challenges of Accident Tolerant Fuels
2.10 Development of a Validation and Uncertainty Quantification Framework for Closure Models in Multiphase CFD Solver
2.11 M&S Tools Requirements for Emerging Technologies
3.1 Panel Discussion: Emerging R&D Needs
3.3 A Mutual Information Based Framework to Use High-Fidelity Codes to Calibrate Low-Fidelity Codes (Hi2Lo)
3.4 Validation Data Management with NE-KAMS
3.5 Panel Discussion: Validation Data Management
3.6 RAVEN/RELAP5-3D UQ analysis for a DOE LWRS/RISMC Multiple Hazards Demonstration
3.7 Development of Uncertainty-Guided Deep Learning with Application to Thermal Fluid Closures
3.8 Validation of RISMC Models
3.9 Collaboration Opportunities
3.10 Collaboration Opportunities regarding Multi-Physics Model Validation
3.11 Closing Remarks and Action Items


