Grubbs wins NUTHOS Best Student Paper

Congratulations to Taylor Grubbs, best student paper award recipient at the 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-14). The title of his research paper was –

“Interface Resolved Simulation of Two-Phase Flow within a Steam Separator Geometry,” T. Grubbs, I. Faizee, I.A. Bolotnov, Proceedings of 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-14), Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 25 – 28, 2024.

Taylor is a NC State Department of Nuclear Engineering doctoral student. He is part of the Multiphase Research Group; a group that focuses on using multiscale approaches for nuclear reactor simulations, development of new spectral cascade transfer multiphase flow turbulence models, and direct numerical simulation of single and multiphase turbulent flows. His faculty adviser is Dr. Igor Bolotnov.

The NUTHOS conference is held in principle every two years. The first was held in Taipei in 1984 followed by Tokyo (1986), Seoul (1988), Taipei (1994), Beijing (1997), Nara (2004), Seoul (2008), Shanghai (2010), Kaohsiung (2012), Okinawa (2014), Gyeongju (2016), Qingdao (2018) and Hscinchu (2022).  NUTHOS-14 was hosted by the Canadian Nuclear Society (CNS), and the Korean Nuclear Society (KNS) and was co-sponsored by the Japan Atomic Energy Society (JAES), the American Nuclear Society (ANS), the European Nuclear Society (ENS) and the Korean Nuclear Society (KNS).

NUTHOS-14 covered five technical tracks including General Thermal-Hydraulics, Advanced Thermal-Hydraulic Modeling and Experiments, Plant Operations, Regulation, Accident Analysis and Sande Term, and Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety of Advanced Reactors and Special Topics; and emergent issues such as Small Modular Reactors and Micro Reactors, and Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Big Data applications.