Growth continues in 2023-24!
Hot off the press, the State of North Carolina just announced funding in the amount of $3.0 million to conduct a feasibility study for an advanced research reactor on campus.
Research continues with new projects supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in the areas of advanced reactor technologies, nuclear materials, and plasmas.
We added two faculty members this academic year, Drs. Zeinab Alsmadi (assistant teaching professor) and Wen Jiang (assistant professor). These additions bring us to 36 faculty members across tenured/tenure-track, research, teaching, extension, and emeritus positions. We also welcomed Mrs. Beth Fernandez as the department head executive assistant and wished Mr. Kerry Kincaid, senior reactor operator, well in his new adventures. He retired after 32 years.
Students are settled in from a busy summer. They participated in a number of conferences such as ANS NURETH, NPIC&HMIT, and PSA. They also gained valuable skills and insight from internships at national laboratories and companies.
Alumni continue to make us proud, Dr. Alex Burhart was honored by ANS for his work in nuclear energy and foreign policy, and Dr. Doddy Kastanya is well into his term as CNS president.
The need for support continues with this growth. Consider giving to the Nuclear Engineering Enhancement Fund, supporting scholarships and fellowships, early career faculty, pre-college outreach and student programming, as well as our teaching laboratories.
Kostadin Ivanov, Department Head