Each year students from across the United States participate in the Nuclear Engineering Student Delegation (NESD) program. It is an opportunity for them to engage with senators and congress people in Washington DC. They highlight student perspectives on issues, legislation and initiatives that impact nuclear science and technology.
NC State Nuclear Engineering students included –
Hayden Bland, who graduated with his Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering and is currently completing his Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering (MS). He plans to continue with his doctoral degree working in the area of molten salts, under the supervision of Dr. Alexander Bataller.
Laura Moss is one of our Master of Nuclear Engineering (MNE) students and is advised by Dr. Robert Hayes. Her area of research is criticality safety and radiation protection. She is a Stability and Radiological Analysis Engineer with GE – Hitachi. She is also the current co-chair for GE-Hitachi North American Young Generation in Nuclear (NAYGN).
A product of each delegation is a policy statement. The areas covered included,
- continued investment in the development of the current and future nuclear workforce
- support of fuel cycle and nuclear waste management developments
- support of legislation that helps the NRC improve and develop effective regulation for existing and advanced technologies.
NESD is an independently organized program to allow students studying nuclear science and engineering to acquire hands-on experience with the political process to learn how they can positively impact the future of nuclear energy, policy, education, and research. The Delegation was formed in 1994 and is an annual program. There have been over 180 delegates from 34 of the nation’s most prestigious universities. Over the years, these delegates have met with many senators, representatives, the Secretary of Energy, the Advisor to the President on Science and Technology Policy, several Nuclear Regulatory Commissioners, staff from the Senate and House Energy Committees, presidents and CEOs of companies, and other industry leaders and policymakers.