Two Additional Graduate Students Awarded National Fellowships

Two graduate students were recently selected to receive prestigious fellowships.

Vincent Novellino has been named an Integrated University Program (IUP) Fellow. This three-year Department of Energy (DOE) graduate fellowship provides $52,000 each year to support graduate studies and research. Fellowships also include $5,000 to fund an internship at a DOE National Laboratory or other approved research facility.

Originally from central New Jersey, Vincent was interested in physics and wanted to be an engineer from a young age. His passion for nuclear engineering began after performing a binding energy calculation in his high school physics class. Vincent earned his Bachelor of Science degree from NCSU. He was ecstatic when the opportunity to stay here for graduate studies materialized.  “I would like to thank those who assisted me with the application: Dr. Anistratov, Dr. Palmtag, and Dr. Azmy for their recommendations, Ms. Bailey for her help with the application process, and IUP for selecting me for this fellowship.” DOE awarded 31 graduate fellowships this year to students at 20 universities across the nation pursuing disciplines related to nuclear energy.

Madeline Lockhart, a first-year PhD student advised by Dr. John Matttingly, was chosen for the Nuclear Nonproliferation International Safeguards Graduate Fellowship Program (NNIS). This four-year fellowship provides financial support for exceptional students pursuing technical doctoral research relevant to the field of international safeguards. Her research focuses on neutron detection and accelerated transport calculations applied to nonproliferation, safeguards, and arms control. Born and raised in Los Alamos, New Mexico, Madeline was first introduced to nuclear engineering in high school. Selected as a 2018 Goldwater Scholar, she earned a Bachelor of Science in Physics at Texas Tech University. Madeline has completed internships at Los Alamos National Laboratory in the Nuclear Engineering and Nonproliferation Division as well as the Department of State in the Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance. In her free time, she enjoys travelling, cooking, and boxing. Madeline was also selected for the IUP Fellowship, but she has decided to accept the NNIS award.

The department congratulates these two outstanding scholars!