NC State Nuclear Reactor Program to host the Test, Research & Training Reactors Annual Conference

The 2021 Test, Research and Training Reactors (TRTR) Annual Conference is set to occur next week (October 17-21) and is being hosted by NC State University Nuclear Reactor Program.

Dr. Ayman Hawari, Distinguished University Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Director of the NRP program, is this year’s TRTR Chair. His work includes areas that are important for the design of advanced nuclear reactors, including thermal neutron scattering cross sections data generation, computational and experimental investigation of accident tolerant fuel, and the development of modern computational methods to support analysis of transient fuel testing experiments.

Who Should Attend

Representatives of the current TRTR stakeholder community including managers and directors of research reactors, educators, administrators, regulators, research scientists, user groups, graduate and undergraduate students, and vendors, as well as R&D groups developing the next generation of small modular and micro-reactors.

Session topics include –

  • Reactor Operations – including Reactor Upgrades and Ageing Management, Safety and Security, DOE Fuel Support
  • Utilization – including Advanced Instrumentation and Experiments, Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF), Irradiation Technologies, Radioisotopes
  • Education and Training
  • Advanced Small Modular & Micro Reactors
  • US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Day

TRTR is a national organization whose primary mission is education, fundamental and applied research application of technology in areas of national concern and improving the US technological competitiveness around the world.