Over $2.25 million in funding was awarded to NC State nuclear engineering faculty through the U.S. Department of Energy’s Nuclear Energy University Program (NEUP).
The recipients for the 2019-20 fiscal year include –
Dr. K.L Murty (PI) along with Dr. Jacob Eapen (Co-PI) won the NEUP Award in Fuel Cycle Research and Development for their project “Novel Miniature Creep Tester for Virgin and Neutron Irradiated Clad Alloys with Benchmarked Multiscale Modeling and Simulations”. The project’s estimated funding is $800,000.
Dr. Ayman Hawari won the NEUP Award in Nuclear Energy Research and Development for his project “Development and Evaluation of Neutron Thermalization Integral Benchmarks for Advanced Reactor Applications”. The project’s estimated funding is $400,000.
Dr. Djamel Kaoumi won the NEUP Award in Reactor Concepts Research and Development & Demonstration (RCRD&D) for his project “Ni-based ODS alloys for Molten Salt Reactors”. The project’s estimated funding is $800,000. Dr. Kaoumi is also Co-PI on a MIT-led project, “Simultaneous Corrosion/Irradiation Testing in Lead and Lead-Bismuth Eutectic: The Radiation Decelerated Corrosion Hypothesis”. The project’s estimated funding is $762,823.
Dr. Ge Yang (PI) along with Dr. Mohamed Bourham (Co-PI) won the NEUP Award in Infrastructure for their project “Enhancement of Material Characterization Capabilities at North Carolina State University for Supporting Nuclear Energy Related Studies”. The project’s estimated funding is $290,000.
The NEUP plays a key role in helping the U.S. Department of Energy accomplish its mission of leading the nation’s investment in the development and exploration of advanced nuclear science and technology.