The US Department of Energy has announced the 2019-20 U.S. Department of Energy Nuclear Energy University Program (NEUP) scholarship and fellowship awardees. Congratulations to eight nuclear engineering undergraduate students and the three nuclear engineering graduate students.
Scholarships –
Jonathan Crozier, Charles Goodman, Shana Johnson,John Klemes, Scott Martin, Blake Montz, Vincent Novellino and Mohsen Zakaib
Fellowships –
Corey DeChant, Bryant Kanies and
Mohammed Shutayfi
Through the Integrated University Program, the U.S. Department of Energy awards more than $5 million for 45 undergraduate scholarships and 33 graduate fellowships to students pursuing nuclear energy-related disciplines at universities across the country. Undergraduates receive a $7,500 scholarship, while fellowship winners receive up to $50,000 annually over the next three years. The graduate fellowships also includes a summer internship at a U.S. national laboratory or other approved facility to strengthen the ties between students and the Department’s nuclear energy research programs. The selected students study a breadth of critical nuclear energy issues, from fuel cycle sustainability to reactor efficiency and design.