Friday, November 02.2018
Room 1202 Burlington Labs
2500 Stinson Drive, Raleigh NC 27695
9:00 am
Introductions (15 minutes) & State of the Department (20 minutes)
9:45 am
NE Student Panel (40 minutes)
10:30 am
Discussion with Dr. Katharina Stapelmann, “Plasmas for Life Sciences” (25 minutes)
11:15 am
Tour renovated graduate suite
Tour of PULSTAR (if not seen)
11:30 am
Catered lunch with Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
12:45 pm
Release in time to make 1:00 pm Chancellor Woodson’s Address
Talley Student Union
RSVP here – www.go.ncsu.edu/NE-Homecoming
Lisa Marshall, Director of Outreach