The NCSU Nuclear Engineering faculty Dr. Maria Avramova and Dr. Kostadin Ivanov were invited guests at the 8th International Conference on Simulation Methods in Nuclear Science and Engineering (8ICSMNSE). The conference is organized by the Canadian Nuclear Society and took place on October 9 – 11, 2018 in Ottawa, Canada. For more information about this conference please visit
Dr. Maria Avramova conducted an international COBRA-TF (CTF) workshop in the first day of the conference with about 25 attendees. Dr. Kostadin Ivanov delivered invited plenary presentation entitled “Benchmark Approach for Consistent Testing of Multi-Physics Uncertainty Propagation in Reactor Calculations”. Dr. Maria Avramova was one of the expert panelists in the panel session on “Current Knowledge and Areas for Improvement in CANDU Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics Simulations”. She made invited panel presentation entitled “Quantification of simulation uncertainties”.