The 2021 M&C international conference on mathematics and computational applied to nuclear science and engineering will be hosted by NC State’s Department of Nuclear Engineering. The conference technical program spans traditional transport and reactor physics analysis methods as well as uncertainty quantification methods, non-proliferation and safeguards methods, computational thermal-hydraulics, materials science, and fusion science. It reflects the remarkable advances in various fields of nuclear science and engineering.
The chairs include –
Honorary Chair
- Paul Turinsky, Emeritus Professor, Department of Nuclear Engineering, NC State University
General Co-chairs
- Yousry Azmy, Distinguished Professor of Nuclear Engineering/CNEC Director, NC State University
- David Kropaczek, Director of CASL, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Assistant General Co-chairs
- Atul Karve, Director of Software Development, General Electric-Hitachi
- Steven Hamilton, R&D Staff, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Technical Program Co-chairs
- Dmitriy Anistratov, Associate Professor, Department of Nuclear Engineering, NC State University
- Todd Urbatsch, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Assistant Technical Program Co-chairs
- Joshua Hykes, Engineer, Studsvik
- Will Wieselquist, R&D Staff, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Student Arrangements Co-chairs
- Lisa Marshall, Director of Outreach, Retention & Engagement/CNEC Outreach Director, Department of Nuclear Engineering, NC State University
Two graduate students
Hospitality Co-chairs
- Karen Turinsky
- Sherry Bailey, University Program Specialist, Department of Nuclear Engineering, NC State University
Save the date April 11-15, 2021. For details contact Dr. Azmy, Expected webpage launch May 2019.