The American Institute of Mining, Metallurgy & Petroleum Engineers (AIME) has selected Dr. KL Murty as an honorary member. It is the highest honor of the Institute, recognizing outstanding service to the Institute or distinguished scientific or engineering achievement in the fields embracing the activities of AIME and its member societies. Dr. Murty joins a long list of recipients for this award; first established in 1872.
Murty’s area of research includes deformation, creep, fatigue and fracture behaviors of nuclear core and pressure boundary materials, with particular emphasis on structure property relationship and effects of radiation exposure. He is also interested in radiation-enhanced hydrogen transport into steels used for radioactive waste containers and the subsequent embrittlement with reference to their integrity. His research team is actively pursuing studies on the effects of fabrication processes on crystallographic texture and the resulting anisotropic mechanical properties of Zircaloy cladding, with application to the understanding of pellet-cladding mechanical interaction.
Dr. Murty is the Progress Energy Distinguished Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Director of Nuclear Engineering Graduate Program for NC State’s Department of Nuclear Engineering.