Nathan Porter with his Award

Best Student Papers awarded to NC State Nuclear Engineering Students at the Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty International Conference

Congratulations to Nathan Porter and Yang Liu, two NC State Nuclear Engineering graduate students, for 1st and 2nd place best student paper awards. Dr. Maria Avramova serves as faculty adviser to Mr. Porter while Dr. Nam Dinh serves as faculty adviser to Mr. Liu. Both students are supported by the Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors (CASL).

  1. Porter, V. Mousseau, M. Avramova, “Quantified Validation with Uncertainty Analysis for Turbulent Single Phase Friction Model”
  2. Liu, N.Dinh, Y.Sato, amd B. Niceno, “Validation and Uncertainty Quantification of DNB Closures in MCFD Solver Using Inverse Bayesian Inference Method”

The objective of the Conference is to provide a forum to exchange experience and views among professionals in the nuclear industry in the development and use of Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty (BEPU) methods in safety analyses and design of nuclear installations. The Conference addresses a broader spectrum of methods (in respect to the past when the focus was primarily on thermal-hydraulic system codes) and also include reactor physics, fuel performance, severe accidents, fission product transport and chemistry and dispersion.