- ($398,821). The objective of this project is to narrow the nuclear data gap for advanced nuclear reactors that are driven by thermal neutrons. This includes concepts such as gas-cooled high-temperature reactors and molten salt or salt cooled high temperature reactors. The generated data TSL libraries will be provided in EDNF File 7 format to the National Nuclear Data Center (NDDC) to immediately include in beta releases of the ENDF/B libraries and to consider for the future release of ENDF/B-VIII.1
- ($800,000). The goal of this project is to demonstrate the utilization of high fidelity Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) tools (PROTEUS, Nek5000, and BISON) to inform the improved use of conventional tools (DIF-3D, CTF, and CTFFuel) within the NEAMS Workbench on the NEA/OECD C5G7-TD benchmark. This would result in more accurate predictions of safety parameters and margins, which is important for both safety and performance improvements of the nuclear power plants being currently operated and built. The developed Workbench-based framework will also assist end users to apply high-fidelity simulations to inform lower-order models for the design, analysis, and licensing of advanced nuclear systems.
Previous NEUP/IUP Funding:
4 General Scientific Infrastructure ($1,213,467)
1 IRP ($4,000,000)
4 Reactor Upgrades ($2,182,827)
21 R&D Projects ($15,385, 377)
12 Fellowships ($1,855,000)
39 Scholarships ($237,500)
Awards made in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 & 2017
FY 2009 – FY 2017 Total: $24,874,171
Previous NEET Funding:
2 NEET R&D Projects ($1,787,844)
Awards made in 2012 & 2017
FY 2012 – FY 2017 Total: $1,787,844