Dr. Djamel Kaoumi (PI) along with Dr. Bourham, Dr. Eapen and Dr. Murty (co) have won the Nuclear Engineering University Program award in Infrastructure for their project ” 1. A full system for stress-corrosion cracking testing in light water reactor environments, 2. Two individual “basic” high pressure autoclaves essentially for teaching purposes, 3. Electrochemical corrosion testing equipment.”
Dr. Murty and Dr. Eapen are collaborators for the project “Mechanisms of Retention and Transport of Fission Products in Virgin and Irradiated Nuclear Graphite”
Dr. Hawari is a collaborator for the projects “Development of Information Trustworthiness and Integrity Algorithms for Cybersecurity Defenses of Nuclear Power Plants” and “Positron Annihilation Studies of Neutron-Irradiated Ferritic Alloys”
Dr. Bourham is a collaborator for the project “High temperature embedded/integrated sensors (HiTEIS) for remote monitoring of reactor and fuel cycle systems“