Congratulations to our students!
NC State’s Department of Nuclear Engineering 2017 ANS student Awardees:
Best Presentation in “Nuclear Criticality Safety” Category:
Design of a Highly-Enriched Uranium (HEU) Metal Fast Burst Supercritical Assembly
Stephen Langellotti & Victoria Hagopian for their group
Faculty Adviser: Dr.John Mattingly with Los Alamos National Lab
Best Presentation in “Radiation Protection & Shielding” Category:
Transport of Accident Tolerant Fuel LUA Test Segments for Post-Irradiation Examination
Shane Henderson & Megan Isabelle for their group (joined by Logan Sit)
Faculty Adviser: Dr. Robert Hayes with GE-Hitachi mentors
Best Presentation in “Operations & Power” Category:
Developing Optimal Loading Pattern for Westinghouse Two-Loop PWR Plant
Pete Ciaccio & Amber Robinson for their group
Faculty Adviser: Dr. Maria Arvamova with Westinghouse mentors