From Mark Peters, Idaho National Laboratory director:
I am pleased to announce that Dr. John Wagner has accepted the role of associate laboratory director for Nuclear Science & Technology (NS&T) effective Oct. 1.
John is currently director of Domestic Programs for INL’s NS&T Directorate and director of the Technical Integration Office for the DOE-NE Light Water Reactor Sustainability (LWRS) Program. In these roles, he has provided strategic coordination at INL for the major DOE-NE programs, led the Advanced Nuclear Energy area of INL’s LDRD program, and transitioned the LWRS Program from an emphasis on Subsequent License Renewal to reduced operating costs and modernization of the LWR fleet.
John previously served at INL as chief scientist for the Materials and Fuels Complex, where he was responsible for implementing strategies to modernize the MFC research and development capabilities. His contributions helped to transform MFC to a more effective nuclear energy R&D organization, fostered collaborations with nuclear universities and laboratories, and facilitated delivery of outcomes for industrial partnerships to meet fuels and materials research and development needs.
He has more than 20 years of experience performing research, and managing and leading research and development projects, programs, and organizations. Prior to joining INL nearly two years ago, he worked at Oak Ridge National Laboratory for nearly 17 years, where he held a number of research and leadership roles in reactor and fuel cycle technologies.
John received a bachelor’s degree in nuclear engineering from the Missouri University of Science and Technology, and master’s and doctorate degrees from the Pennsylvania State University. He is a Fellow of the American Nuclear Society and recipient of the 2013 E. O. Lawrence Award. He has also authored or co-authored more than 170 refereed journal and conference articles, technical reports, and conference summaries.
After a comprehensive global search, it’s gratifying to be able to hire from within INL for this position. I’m eager to add John’s expertise and experience to our senior leadership team. Please join me in welcoming and supporting John in his new position, and in thanking Kemal for serving as NS&T’s director since 2012