For his outstanding leadership in the engineering community and support of the College and its students, the College of Engineering has recognized Alan S. Icenhour as a Distinguished Engineering Alumnus. Dr. Icenhour earned his bachelor’s degree in nuclear engineering in 1986 from North Carolina State University (NCSU). The Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award was established by the Faculty of the College of Engineering in 1966 to honor engineering graduates who have been recognized for outstanding achievements in planning and direction of engineering work; fostering professional development of young engineers; contributing to knowledge in the field of engineering; or bringing, in other ways, distinction to the University through engineering achievement.
Dr. Icenhour is currently the associate laboratory director for the Nuclear Science and Engineering Directorate (NSED) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and serves as Chair of the NCSU Nuclear Engineering Department Advisory Committee (NEDAC). He has more than 30 years of experience in nuclear reactor operations and R&D on topics such as enrichment, radiochemical processing, radioisotope production and applications, nuclear fuels, radiation effects on materials, radioactive waste management, and nuclear security. He was elected a Fellow of the American Nuclear Society in 2016. Dr. Icenhour was honored at a formal awards banquet dinner on November 1 as well as other events during NCSU’s Red and White Week. The Nuclear Engineering Department congratulates Dr. Alan Icenhour on his achievement.