Nuclear reactor at NC State University. Photo by Marc Hall

Professor Nam Dinh has been selected as the 2016 recipient of the ANS Thermal Hydraulics Division Technical Achievement Award

Dr. Nam Dinh
Professor Nam Dinh has been selected as the 2016 recipient of the ANS Thermal Hydraulics Division Technical Achievement Award for his research on thermal-hydraulics modeling, experimentation, and validation, that contributed to the development of effective severe accident management strategies for Generation II and III Light Water Reactor designs. 
The THD TAA is a national award and its recipient is presented a plaque in a ceremony, this year most likely at the Opening Plenary to be held Monday morning on November 7, 2016 at the ANS 2016 Winter Meeting in Las Vegas, NV. In addition, the THD TAA recipient provides a TAA lecture at a THD sponsored meeting, such as NURETH, or during the ANS Winter Meeting.