Congratulations to Dr. Nam Dinh, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, at NC State University. Dr. Dinh has over twenty years of R&D and engineering experience in areas of nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics and nuclear power safety. His research is focused on multiphase flow systems with phase change and their application in nuclear power plant safety analysis, and severe accident risk assessment and management. Dr. Dinh’s work led to advanced methods and tools for nuclear reactor safety experimentation, modeling, simulation, and analysis. Dr. Dinh’s research on severe accident phenomenology contributed to resolution of safety issues in existing LWR plants and severe accident treatment in Generation III+ ALWR designs.
The ANS Technical Achievement Award was established in 1984 by the Thermal Hydraulics Division (THD) and became an ANS national award in 2006 to recognize outstanding past or current technical achievement. It is the highest award given by the THD and is based on a major contribution to the state of the art, an important publication, a major technical achievement, or a sustained record of accomplishment and technical excellence in the art or science of thermal hydraulics.