Dr. Alan Icenhour is the Associate Laboratory Director for Nuclear Science and Engineering at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. His more than 30 years of nuclear experience have included R&D on a range of fuel cycle topics such as enrichment, radiochemical processing, stable and radioisotope production, nuclear fuels, radiation effects on materials, radioactive waste management, and nuclear security. Prior to joining ORNL, he was a commissioned officer in the U.S. Navy, serving on a nuclear submarine. After leaving active duty, he continued as a reservist, retiring with the rank of Captain. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Nuclear Engineering from NC State, and Masters and PhD Degrees in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Tennessee.
The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is a U.S. Department of Energy, multi-program research and development (R&D) laboratory. ORNL performs world-leading R&D in a range of disciplines including neutron science, high performance computing, advanced materials, nuclear science and engineering, biological and environmental science, energy efficiency, and global security. This presentation provides the history of the establishment of ORNL and traces ORNL’s evolution from a Manhattan Project facility to a world-class laboratory today. Current capabilities are described, and the presentation focuses on the range of nuclear R&D programs that are performed at ORNL.
Dr. Icenhour’s seminar “Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Ensuring the beneficial use” will be at 1202 Burlington Labs, 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm, September 1.