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Dr. Wu invited to present at SIAM UQ24 conference

Dr. Wu attended the SIAM UQ24 conference in Trieste Italy, and gave two invited presentations. The first one is titled “Inverse Uncertainty Quantification Methods of...

Ziyu’s paper to be published in prestigious journal

Ziyu’s paper titled “Functional PCA and Deep Neural Networks-based Bayesian Inverse Uncertainty Quantification with Transient Experimental Data” has been accepted for publication in a prestigious...

Lauren awarded the Roy G. Post scholarship

Congratulations to Lauren for being selected by the Roy G. Post scholarship, through which she is invited for a poster presentation at Waste Management Conference...

Chris passed his PhD Qualification Exam

Chris passed his PhD Qualification Exam. The presentation title is “Review of Inverse Problems and Their Application to Nuclear Forensics.”

Ziyu passed his PhD Preliminary Examination

Ziyu passed his PhD Preliminary Examination. The title is “Machine Learning-based Model Discrepancy in Bayesian Inverse Uncertainty Quantification”.