Department Fact Sheet 2018-2019
- Minor in Health Physics established in Fall 2018
- NC State’s PULSTAR Reactor is the most utilized research reactor in the US ¨ INL Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) partner
- (Inter)national leadership in 2 US DOE-sponsored research consortia & several high visibility OECD-NEA & IAEA research programs
- NC State’s Master of Nuclear Engineering ranked #1 Best College Reviews
“… The curriculum includes courses such as Radiation and Reactor Fundamentals, Radiation Safety and Shielding, Nuclear Fuel Cycles, and Nuclear Materials. A master’s supervised research project is also required and is conducted under faculty mentorship.NC State’s nuclear reactor program is the first of its kind in the nation, solidifying this program’s place as the best of the best nuclear engineering masters programs online.” - Two- & five-minute spotlight videos on “Why NC State Nuclear Engineering?”, visit @NCStateNuclear YouTube Channel
Degrees Offered
- Bachelor of Science (BS)
- Minor in Health Physics
- Minor in Nuclear Engineering
Graduate Certificate
- Graduate Certificate in Nuclear Non- Proliferation Science & Policy
- Accelerated Bachelor-Master Program (ABM)
- Master of Science (MS)
- Master of Nuclear Engineering (MNE includes distance education)
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Research Foci and Funding
- Nuclear Power Design & Safety Analysis
- Nuclear Safety & Non-Proliferation
- Plasma Science & Engineering
- Nuclear Materials, Waste Forms & Storage
- Nuclear Computational Science
- Radiation Science & Engineering
Funding (in million$):
- $21.68 Grant Proposals
- $11.36 Grant Awards
- $18.05 Grant Expenditures
By the Numbers
- 19 tenured/tenure track
- 2 assistant
- 8 associate
- 9 full
- 3 research
- 3 emeritus
- 19 adjunct
- 2 new for AY 2018-19
- 2 Chairs (Progress & Duke Energy)
- 2 Distinguished
- 3 Alumni Distinguished Professors
- 23 Post-Doctoral Research Scholars
- 1 National Academy of Engineering (NAE)
- 7 Societal Fellows
- 4 ORNL Joint Faculty Appointments
- 1 INL (NEUP) Joint Faculty Appointments
Graduation Numbers
Summer 2017 – Spring 2018
Total: 48
- 10 PhD
- 30 BS
Enrollment Numbers
Fall 2018
Total: 242
- 100 PhD
- 31 MS/MNE
- 111 BS
Graduate Support
Fall 2018
Total: 131
- 19 (inter)national fellowships (Fulbright, Rickover, CNEC, NEUP, NRC, NSF, NNSA)
- 5 company, army & home country
- 58 research assistantships
- 23 research-teaching assistantships
- 3 provost/dean fellowships
- 4 on-campus self-funded
- 19 distance education (self/company funded)
Research Units
Centers and Consortium
- Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors (CASL):Chief Scientist: Palmtag; Education Program Director: Doster
- Consortium for Nonproliferation Enabling Capabilities (CNEC): Director: Azmy; PI & Chief Scientist: Mattingly; Educational Outreach Director: Marshall
- Nuclear Reactor Program Center (NRP): Director: Hawari
- Consortium for Nuclear Power (CNP): Director: Avramova
- Consortium for Engineering Applications of Radioisotopes (CEAR): Director: Gardner
- Center for Nuclear Energy Facilities and Structures (CNEFS): Director: Dinh, Gupta
- National University Consortium (NUC): Director: Azmy
Research Groups and Laboratories
- 4th State Application Research Group (4-STAR): Shannon
- Atmospheric Plasma Applications Lab; Hypervelocity Launch Lab; Corrosion Evaluation Lab for Waste Packages: Bourham
- MultiPhase Research Group (MPRG): Bolotnov
- Nuclear Materials Group (NMG): Kaoumi
- Nuclear Material Lab: Murty
- Nuclear Power Plant Simulation Laboratory: Doster
- Radiation Detection Applications in Nuclear Security (RADIANS): Mattingly
- Reactor Dynamics and Fuel Modelling Group (RDFMG): Avramova, Hou
- Retrospective Dosimetry and Nuclear Assay (RDNA): Hayes
- Radiation Detector Materials and Device Group: Yang
- Plasma for Life Sciences (PLS): Stapelmann