Future Leaders in Nuclear: Undergraduate Symposium
Thanks to everyone who participated in the first Future Leaders in Nuclear: Undergraduate Symposium! See the summary of the Fall 2024 event HERE.
Join us for the second annual symposium, tentatively scheduled for October 2025!
What is it?
Two-day, all-expense paid research conference at North Carolina State University to recognize the top undergraduate researchers in science and engineering fields related to nuclear.
What will you do?
The 2-day symposium will feature both oral and poster research presentations, tours of the state-of-the-art laboratories of various Nuclear Engineering Department faculty, a tour of the PULSTAR reactor, information sessions on graduate life at NC State including fellowship opportunities, and an introduction to the Raleigh area. All selected students will receive an award recognizing their participation.
Who is this for?
Rising Juniors and Seniors in all science and engineering fields with demonstrated research experience. Nuclear engineering is a multidisciplinary field, spanning topics from atomic physics to plasma interaction with biological materials to thermal hydraulics and everywhere in between. All students with research topics in STEM fields will be considered.
Application Deadline TBD
Contact Information:
Alex Bataller: awbatall@ncsu.edu
Ben Beeler: bwbeeler@ncsu.edu